Supplying our RMM with Bicycles!
As part of our Gender Based Violence project, getting men involved in helping to transform communities is key. That’s why… more
Monitoring: Following up with Role Model Men and VSLA groups
Throughout the month of May, HANDLE has conducted follow-up sessions with groups of Role Model Men (RMM) and each of… more
Strengthening Ties: Meetings with Koch-Goma Stakeholders
The importance of meeting with key stakeholders in successfully planning and implementing our GBV project cannot be understated. HANDLE is… more
Training: Role Model Men Get Started
HANDLE kicked off its training for 30 Role Model Men (RMM) who will become active agents of change within their… more
Training: Women’s VSLA Groups
We kicked off our first round of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) training for more than 50 women who… more