Our Impacts.

Our Achievements.

HANDLE Uganda has trained over 1000 youths in the past three years under its vocational training project in Nwoya and Gulu districts. We have formed 53 youth groups in these districts who are currently managing various small-scale businesses with funding support from UKAID through VSO. Over 50% of the youth who were trained from our centre in Koch-Goma were able to secure employment in the formal section. The majority are employed in road construction and hospitality industries, while others were able to become self-employed from HANDLE's provision of start-up capital.


29 vulnerable youths are being supported under the sponsorship project to pursue their education right from primary through university levels with the generous support of OMOANA-Switzerland. 8 students completed university, with 13 more still continuing their post-secondary studies.



Farmer Groups formed through field schools implementing small-scale agricultural businesses in partnership with Tree Talk and Straight Talk Foundations.

Our Philosophy

We believe the best way to assist people is to teach them how to fish rather than to give them a fish. In other words, it is better to empower grassroots communities to sustain themselves rather than create dependency on development aid. Our approach is to partner with communities using a participatory process to elicit their views and visions concerning their most critical issues and needs. This approach prioritizes the community's views an generates commitment or "buy-in" to the processes leading to better achievement of their goals.

Our Network.

We coordinate closely with a range of stakeholders from governmental, non-governmental and private sector organizations in all our operating districts.