Training: Role Model Men Get Started

HANDLE kicked off its training for 30 Role Model Men (RMM) who will become active agents of change within their localities by modelling positive masculinities and allying with women in an effort to decrease Gender Based Violence (GBV). These men will be followed through a three-year journey, as part of our GBV project, to help transform their lives and the lives of their fellow community members. Our participants come from all different backgrounds, from peasant farmers to local village chiefs. Participants attended a 5-day intensive workshop program to help increase their awareness about the role of power and gender in perpetuating GBV, as well as its contributing factors seen in Northern Uganda.
Two participants during a role play session, seen on the left; our participants have time to have fun, too, while tackling a serious issue
Men were guided through the sessions with the help of our facilitators who engaged them on topics ranging from men’s sexual health, identifying gender norms, and the importance of men’s involvement in child rearing. These men will continue to receive training and support from HANDLE throughout their journeys of transformation to ensure they have the best support and resources available to help them combat GBV within their local communities.
Ending GBV is everyone’s responsibility. We are so pleased for these men who are preparing to step up to be the change!